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How to Respond to an Unlawful Detainer
Fact Sheet: How to Answer an Eviction Lawsuit Sep 8, 2020 7159.01Print this Publication This fact sheet gives information on how tenants...

How to Answer an Unlawful Detainer
What is an unlawful detainer and why are you being served one? In California, a lawsuit to evict a tenant is called an unlawful detainer....

Withholding Your Rent form a Slumlord
In California, your landlord has to provide you with a rental unit that's fit for human habitation. This means it has to meet building...

California Eviction's Mediation Process
Some local housing agencies refer landlord-tenant disputes to a local dispute resolution center or mediation service. The goal of these...

California Unlawful Detainer
Before the court hearing Before appearing in court, you must carefully prepare your case, just as an attorney would. Among other things,...

California Eviction Process
Unlawful Detainer Lawsuit Overview of the eviction process If the tenant doesn't voluntarily move out after the landlord has properly...
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